DESIGN.RIP founder

Alexandr Gorelenkov / Makarov

Alexandr Gorelenkov (real name Alexandr Makarov) is an internet piracy criminal based in St Petersburg, Russia. He is the creator and owner of the piracy website DESIGN.RIP.

Alexandr Gorelenkov (real name believed to be Alexandr Makarov) is an internet piracy criminal based is based in St Petersburg, Russia. He has previously worked as a Web Design Specialist for the Russian financial payments company, GuarantPay.

Alexandr has been running the online piracy website DESIGN.RIP since May 2021. He steals from thousands of businesses and independent creators and sells their digital products online with impunity, committing hundreds of acts of wilful copyright & IP infringement. He ignores legal notices and requests to remove intellectual property.

Note: If the site is taken down, you can always access a snapshot via the The Wayback Machine.

As well as the DESIGN.RIP website, Alexandr uses several Telegram channels to sell and distribute pirated digital products, accepting donations through Telegram bots and various online payment platforms.

Based on subscriptions to his Telegram channels and site traffic, we estimate that Alexandr is making €1,000-2,000 per month selling your intellectual property and hard work.

Alexandr Gorelenkov (Makarov)'s social profiles

According to his former hosting provider, Alexandr's real name is Alexandr Makarov. Up until we published this site, Alexandr did not do much to hide his identity online and publicly shared that he runs DESIGN.RIP. This is a testament to his arrogance and hubris. He has also used the aliases Sasha Volsky and Bysany online before. Today, he cowardly hides behind the Telegram handle @pohoze. Here are Alexandr's social profiles:

Alexandr Gorelenkov's email addresses

Alexandr monitors his email inboxes but rarely responds to legal or DMCA Takedown Notices. That shouldn't stop you from sending him these notices as it is proof that you've formally requested him to remove your content:

  • +7(920)605-05-76 (source)

We've written simple step-by-step guides with email templates here. It's also not a bad idea to send him some spicy emails and messages on Telegram letting him know how you feel about his moral character.

Alexandr Gorelenkov (Makarov)'s Telegram accounts

On Telegram, Alexandr is more cowardly and hides behind the anonymous handle @pohoze. This is the main account that Alexandr uses to manage the DESIGN.RIP Telegram channels. However, he has also used his personal account @bysany for this.

He actively uses both of these accounts — "last seen recently" on Telegram means that the user has been active in the last 48 hours. Here are links to Alexandr's private accounts:

Alexandr runs several Telegram channels and Telegram bots to distribute pirated digital files and direct users back to DESIGN.RIP to purchase more of your stolen work. Learn more about how DESIGN.RIP operates here.

Alexandr Gorelenkov (Makarov)'s personal website

Alexandr taken down his personal website ( recently, but you can always check it out via The WayBack Machine here and here. This is a snippet from his contact page:

It’s pretty hard to describe myself – even harder when you need to be concise! Haha! My name is Alexandr Gorelenkov, I’m 26 years old 3d artist from Russia currently working for Freelance and I love art. Doesn’t matter if it’s digital art, traditional art, 3d or 2d… I simply love art. And that passion has always motivated me to keep pushing my limits and to always be looking for more knowledge, improving myself as an artist.

We find it extremely ironic that Alexandr gave up "improving himself as an artist" and now steals from designers and creators with actual talent to make a living.

Another bit of brilliant irony can be found on Alexandr's home page, which reads "Graphic Design will save the world right after Rock and Roll does". Then we found him listening to Robbie William's smash pop hit "Bongo Bong" around the same time:

Please send us any and all information you have about Alexandr, including screenshots of communication you have about him. If you have any information that you can add to this site, please get in touch!

Why we created this site

Turning a blind eye to people like Alexandr only enables them to make a comfortable living stealing from hard-working people. Fuck that. We created this site to stop Alexandr and permanently brand him for what he is: a criminal.

We're a small group of businesses who have banded together to create this site. We contacted Alexandr because he was selling our digital products that we sell on Creative Market, Craftwork, and Alexandr not only ignores DMCA Takedown Notices, but he sends back insults before re-uploading and selling our IP again. UI8, in particular, have done very little to help protect their creators, with their staff telling us "they'll look at this next month".

We've been selling digital products since the WordPress days and we understand that internet piracy will always be a problem. However, the arrogance and hubris of this person is unlike anything we've ever encountered. Alexandr has zero integrity or moral character and will continue to steal from people with actual talent unless people fight back against him.

Every time we have had our files removed from MEGA, he re-uploads them to sell as his own work with zero regard for intellectual property. We're no longer focused on just removing our files, we're focused on removing DESIGN.RIP permanently and will not rest until Alexandr is behind bars.

We created this site to help other creators, designers, and businesses fight back against Alexandr and his piracy network. We've created dozens of copies of this site and every time Alexandr tries to remove a site, we'll put it back up under 2x new domains. Every time someone Googles "Alexandr Gorelenkov" or "DESIGN.RIP" they will find a copy of this website until DESIGN.RIP is dead.

What can you do?

A lot of people don't realise how easy it is to protect your IP. Criminals like Alexandr Gorelenkov (Makarov) rely on this ignorance and profit from it.

We've written simple step-by-step guides on how to have your content removed from DESIGN.RIP and stop Alexandr from distributing and selling your intellectual property. Sending DMCA notices to remove your files takes just a few minutes and we've included templates you can use.

We've also includes some additional guides on how to fight back against this criminal even further and put a stop to Alexandr's criminal network. It's easy to get his services suspended, his financial streams frozen, and eventually his site removed permanently.

The only reason DESIGN.RIP is able to operate is because not enough people file complaints against Alexandr. Just a couple of copyright flags on his MEGA uploads are enough to get one of his accounts permanently terminated, which removes hundreds of digital products and practically crashes his operation. We know because we've done it.

The only thing we need is for more creators and businesses to report files for copyright infringement and to report his activity to the services and payment platforms he uses. Alexandr will have no choice but to give up.

What Alexandr is doing is called is wilful IP and copyright infringement, but on a large scale. This is a criminal offence in most countries and will land you imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. Not only is Alexandr stealing from hundreds of creators and businesses, he's doing so purely to profit from it.

We're winning the war

Since we launched this site, we are already beginning to cripple Alexandr's piracy network. Here are some wins that we've been able to verify:

  • 1,000+ MEGA, Dropbox, and Yandex folders removed with an estimated 100 TB of pirated files (and these are just the ones we know of)
  • At least 6x MEGA accounts terminated (along with an unknown number of links)
  • Terminated his Donate Bot access from accepting payments on Telegram
  • Terminated his FreeKassa account from accepting payments on Telegram and the website
  • Had his PayPal, Buy Me a Coffee, Boosty, Gumroad, and DonationAlerts accounts terminated which he has also used to accept payments for pirated digital products
  • Took down his entire site hosting ( for several days hosting
  • Contacted 80+ businesses to help them fight back (we have a list of 500+ still to contact)

We're also working on removing 10+ other services he's using to support his site and Telegram, it's just a matter of time until these are terminated as well. Whatever payment services Alexandr switches to next, we'll get it removed ASAP. You can help us by reporting any services you see also.

In desperation to stop people unsubscribing, Alexandr started deleting comments in the Telegram groups. Anyone asking questions about why the MEGA links don't work, why they can't start a new subscription, and why they can't buy individual files via the website got instantly deleted, removed, and blocked. He has now abandoned these channels completely and their subscribers.

Please send us information

Please send us any and all information you have about Alexandr, including screenshots of communication you have about him. If you have any information that you can add to this site, please get in touch! This is how we were able to discover Alexandr's real surname is Makarov.

P.S. Alexandr, if you're reading this and want to contact us, go ahead! We'll just tell you to fuck off like you told us to before re-uploading our files again and selling them online.